Kfarseghab bnachii Miziara Welcome to the Kfarsghab Laban's Homepage Kfar sghab Laban Morh Meziara
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This Page is a permanent link between the Laban family members and friends.
Kfar Seghab in Arabic letters
It also contains a special section for [Kfarsghab], our hometown. Kfarsghab is a mountain village of Caza Zgharta - Zawieh in the North Lebanon region. It is inhabited only during the summer season and deserted in the wintertime for the milder climate of Morh Kfarsghab, our second village located on the edges of the rich Zawieh plain. Beside some news of the Laban family, we included some "different" pages on Kfarsghab : etymology, the exceptional accent, Saint Awtel tradition, weather forecasts ... All important pages are translated into French.
Other websites on Kfarsghab could be found at [OLL, Easton, Pennsylvania.] and [AKA, Sydney, NSW].

Kadisha Qadisha