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J'ai essayé de traduire l'inscription en lettres Syriaque Ouest-sémitiques se trouvant au fronton de l'église.

A priori, c'est du Qarshouni (Arabe écrit en lettres syriaques).

S'il y a des corrections à ma traduction, merci de me contacter [Youssef]

Saint awtel Syriac Inscription

Syriac Inscription above the main entrance of Saint Awtel Church, Village of Kfarsghab, North Lebanon
I tried to translate the inscription which is above the main entrance of the Church. The inscription is written in West Aramaic letters (Syriac).

It seems to be in Garshuni (Arabic written in Syriac letters).

If you have any corrections to add to my translation, please contact me [Youssef]

The Mar Awtel Inscription
mar awtel inscription
The phonetic equivalent_
(IPA code)
mar awtel inscription phonetic IPA

Achevé de construire ce temple béni
l'année mille sept cent soixante seize
par le zèle du Sheikh Abou Youssef Elias

Saint awtel Syriac Inscription in Arabic

Arabic translation of the Inscription above the main entrance of Saint Awtel Church, Village of Kfarsghab, North Lebanon
Achieved the construction of this blessed temple
year one thousand seven hundred and seventy six
by the zeal of Sheikh Abou Youssef Elias

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